Part 3 of Inspect the Web, a 6-part series. Previously: Elements of the Web

It’s one thing to just inspect the HTML and CSS code behind a page, it’s another to create. But we’ll get to do both the Web inspector and get a better understanding of what actually happens when our browser visits a URL.

Table of contents

Edit what you want

Edit the HTML

Edit the CSS

Every visit is a download

Implications: you have a local version, and you edit only the local version ### “Photoshopping” the web


  • Change all the text on this page to red
  • Increase the font-size of the text to twice
  • Change the background to a different color
  • Add a kitten to this page


Mostly just text

OK, technically your typical Web page contains a few things that aren’t text, such as images, videos, and music. But the important part, where these media files are located, are specified in text.

It’s easy enough to see this in the Elements panel, but in the next chapter, we’ll learn to use a new Inspector panel, designed specifically to see how the different pieces of a Web page come together in real-time.

Previous: Elements of the Web
Next: The Network Panel

Project Manifest

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